While WoW Classic doesn't go to level 100 or above, it actually has more talent points to consider and a different system for spending them. As of right now, the cost of respec is estimated to be ( (N * 200) / 2000) with one perk costing 20,000 to 30,000 and perks costing 20,000 to 30,000. Though this only affects the base healing done by the spell, it's still very good at this point as you'll likely have a very limited amount of healing power and 10% is a lot. 1. Ideally I do this only twice a week as I will. Not sure of the details but you can look it up. Burning Crusade Classic Discussion. Full respec costs for the Skill Tree in Patch 1. If you were one who had a raiding spec, then switched to PvP after your week's raiding schedule was done, only to switch back for the next schedule, then you were going to be dumping hundreds of gold a month after you build up the cost. I think respec costs should only cost the price to vendor a green item at the current level you are at. We were chatting about this ingame, does anyone know why respec costs are much higher than they were in the original game? It absolutely did not start at 1g. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Massively Multiplayer. It’s not a very effective “gold sink” because most people don. 99. 0. However, it should be noted that dual spec comes at a cost - each spec costs 10g to learn, so if you want to be able to switch between four different specs, you'll need to spend 40g, which shouldn't be difficult with sufficient WoW WotLK Classic gold. In the mining tree the best wheels, by a huge margin, are Sorting and Metallurgy. There are a lot of great changes in SoM but I still don’t understand why respec cost needs to be 50g. I have looked everywhere but can’t find anyone to reset talent points. 94 for a 6-month commitment. 1. What respec cost are you seeing? When I looked at one point it said it was only 1g per point. 99 bundle features a boost, character transfer, pet, a month’s free play, and a Lich King-themed mount usable in both modern and classic World of Warcraft. If you want to play the current expansion — World of Warcraft:. 8. Post by Random0098 ah, thanks. Full Paragon Board Respec will cost 5,307,795 Gold at Level 100 (reduced by 3,538,530 Gold). Respec Cost. But there are two types of Shadow Priest out there. The "Classic" versions allow you to revisit WoW Vanilla (the 2004 game), as well as. How weird. Getting your Epic mount is possible at level 60, costing around 600 gold. The respec cost quickly jumps up to 50g, and all of a sudden you're paying 200-300g a week just to raid and PvP. Comment by Gorerack on 2023-04-01T14:11:17-05:00 The cost to unlearn talents will now decay over time. 2 Likes. Is it worth the 5g to respec, and in to what. It gradually went up each time you respecced, and yes, it could get expensive if you are respeccing a lot. Skills can be respecced essentially free by de and respecializing. I am always trying to find that sweet spot. ago. Also, I checked on May. Post by doublediamond410 I don't agree with the cost to respec, especially the fact that the cost is based on the number of times it's performed and not the level (higher-level players should be familiar enough with talents not to respec as often and can easily afford the 50g; lower-level and mid-range characters should have more freedom to experiment without. WoW Classic The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion. Lvl44 arms. I wanted to try 2 different specs so I paid 1G to switch then didn’t like the new spec so I reluctantly paid 5G to. I guess it doesn't help that I have Fury spec (2 points in Arms Improved Heroic Strike, 5 points Fury. You cannot quest as a heal. Patch 1. the cost of respeccing can be steep, especially at this point when you should be saving for your level 40 mount. In Dragonflight, the newest World of Warcraft expansion, Professions are going through a massive overhaul that changes the system forever, adding new mechanics and ways to craft and send gear to people! In this guide, we go through everything that is currently known about the Profession overhaul coming in the ninth WoW expansion. Nope, it was always 1g from launch. the Spec. The number is meaningless if you're. Hello, back in the days there was a. Blizzard has announced that the Classic Beta will be updated later today to increase the level cap to 40, reduce respec costs on the beta and open Arathi Basin later this week. 1. Nope, it was always 1g from launch. But PLEASE lower the max respec cost Whatever you are planning to do (SoM2, Fresh, Classic+) it doesn’t matter, for the love of G0D PLEASE lower the respec cost. I dont get why people dont want dual spec / compare it to a cash shop or flying mounts or some stupid shit. The percentile number is like a grade: 99-100 = A+, 90-98 = A, 80-89 = B etc. Since patch 1. Burning Crusade Classic Discussion. shame it doesn't stay that way. Retail has the opportunity to consume Classic for an extremely better Retail. Those players do not have a character with a specific talent, they play with whatever talent is needed at the time. Mithun-maiev November 19, 2018, 7:41am 1. In this short time before everyone bailed (two remaining ascension realms are pretty much bare-bones, population is pretty much gone), it can be estimated they managed to grab tens of thousands of dollars from somewhat naive players who kept re-purchasing same shit over and over as realms were opening/closing down. hubeliduu • 4 yr. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. It's like the vanilla WoW devs focused on making the game as boring, punishing, and. Post by Rugiz1k dual spec, 1k cold weather flying. Classic isn't retail. Post by Monday Go to a skill trainer in a city or town. Tiekal • 4 yr. How do I reset my Pet talents, The ones in Beast Mastery - Marksmanship and Survival. If you are worried about PvE balance add a 15-30min. We have summarized the most important points including information on how to respec, depth of customization, and the general design philosophy behind Diablo IV's skill tree system. If you decide you no longer want one of your professions, you can unlearn it by going to the Skills tab in your Character Info page, selecting the. I have seen the future, where there is duel spec, and you can change talents, simply at the cost of being in a rested area. I reported it. Patch 1. I dont want a classic wow style respec system, as a few years down the line and it might brick a character. Related. Members Online • wreathe_everyst. The only argument against duel specs I’ve seen is “we need a gold sink” but this is flawed. the cost of respeccing can be steep, especially at this point when you should be saving for your level 40 mount. ago. I just switched to arms and I'm kind of hating it. Back in the day, my guild would help fund high respec costs when certain roles needed to be filled. Enter the game and do your best to live. 0 coins. Learn all about Tailoring in Wrath Classic. Get a Ragnaros-inspired mount and Lil’ Wrathion pet in both WoW and WoW Classic progression realms! Game Upgrades. Paladin Class Basics in Wrath of the Lich King. To me, costly respecs make me respect the time I spend on the character and force more thoughtful building plan. By capping the cost at 10g, it ensures that frequent respecs can quickly accumulate into a large gold bill, but also allows a player to respec for a short time at the cost of 20g instead of 100g. With dual spec or low respec cost everyone would be optimally prepared for every task all the time without having to make a sacrifice of any. WoW Classic. Like all spells in Classic, you have to actively learn the spell from a trainer and/or a quest, and have to be a certain level in order to do so. Can you respec in this version of classic? When I tried it out over the weekend I went to the trainer in Brill (undead town after you’re done with the starting area) when I had a point into talents and there was no option to respec. I asked you a question in a calm and civilized manner. I also think it was capped at 50g respec cost. The "Classic" versions allow you to revisit WoW Vanilla (the 2004 game), as well as. After reaching level 40, you have a choice at hand. Please do not add dual spec to SoD. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. zaronce • 4 yr. They'll reset your talents for you, but at a cost of 1g. Like all spells in Classic, you have to actively learn the spell from a trainer and/or a quest, and have to be a certain level in order to do so. A lot of people enjoy both sides of the game PvE and PvP but needing to farm 100g every raid night just to swap. 0 coins. I have heard talk from my guild members of a system being installed that lets you have 2 talent specs and it no longer costs to go between those two "locked" specs. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 0 * The cost to unlearn talents will now decay over time. This would be just enough to move a few points…On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Holy Paladin Healer in WoW Classic. I do not care or want to hear from anyone that doesn’t respec. Select your talents and runes to create Classic character builds for your class. Respeccing to try different off-meta specs is one of the most fun parts of classic WoW since you have so much spec flexibility. Talent Reset Cost Decay. If you are worried about PvE balance add a 15-30min cooldown, problem solved THIS IS THE RIGHT DECISION! what does it cost as max? Live PTR 10. The first respec, however, will only cost you 1000 gold. I thought this thread was about “respecting cost of the game” not respec of class, don’t I feel silly, anyway I Respect the cost and the desire for change. Or you level blacksmithing+mining to make the rods, then drop them both and pickup enchanting. In the General Achievements category. So your 1st respec of the week would be 10g then 2nd:15g, 3rd:20g, etc up until 50g. I started mid TBC and really didn’t become a real dedicated WoW player till Wotlk. 30 days of World of Warcraft game time, providing. This is one of those lines that just gets parroted. That's 85 points total, and gives you the ability to get ore you actually can't otherwise, and basically maxes out your Finesse. Since patch 1. allows tanks to respec to pvp allows people to respec to tank instances allows people to explore specs more while leveling and at max level I’m sure I’ll see the same no changes crowed in here but it’s not. Honestly, leveling, dungeons. However, you can still redistribute talents at a trainer by spending 1 gold. Patch 1. 75 quest line that allows you to upgrade tier . Posted by u/notyouagain2 - No votes and 12 commentsPost by doublediamond410 I don't agree with the cost to respec, especially the fact that the cost is based on the number of times it's performed and not the level (higher-level players should be familiar enough with talents not to respec as often and can easily afford the 50g; lower-level and mid-range characters should have more freedom to experiment without. no, it decreases to a min of 10, it will go up do 50 and decreases by 5g per month down to 10g. Paladins would get healing or tanking gear. Respeccing was relatively easy in the Diablo 4 beta, and required little to no gold to do so. I've heard rumors that respec cost if done too often will creep up to 100g + per respec and that the cost may decay if you don't do a respec for a long time. For the Patch 1. How does the cost for this work? Loading A lot of classic wows inconveniences are actually it’s greatest strengths but some things I can see no real upside Up to 50g for a respec just limits… Does anyone know how long it takes to reduce the respec costs? I cannot find anything on this. You're going to have to point to where where ANYONE "cried" for Blizzard to make Respecing cost more. not great. I had the same experience as u/Troublesome08. Get Wowhead Premium. Respec. Today, I would do some things differently, but I’m really happy with the results. 2-4 different presets you could set up and it. I’m just saying it’s got a cap of 50G and it is/was ment to make you not respec on a whim. Welcome to Classic! As a warrior i myself have Respecced a lot! I’m probably arleady able to afford a Mount(900G) maybe even 2 with the gold i used to respec. Being forced to pick one spec and stick with it 100% of the time just makes the game even more monotonous than it already is. You had 15 years to find out about respec cost… so the blame falls on you. It becomes a loadout for them. WoW Classic: Resetting Talents Guide - Millenium. It’s likely that each subsequent respec will cost you more, and the costs don. After playing both World of Warcraft's new 10. Level 53-60 Talents as Holy Priest For the final stretch, there aren't many options left. It’s not that you can’t change your build, it’s that you can’t change your build 5 times a day to min-max the exact content you’re doing moment to moment. It was definitely 50g maximum. It is the huge lack of tanks, healers. . Engineering is one of the select few professions in WoW Classic that offers specializations within the profession. Since WoTLK Classic players can easily meet this criterion, there’s still the fee of 1,000. Zealous-arcanite-reaper February 7, 2022, 6:52pm #9. The world is very dangerous and can go from safe to deadly in an instant, so be prepared for it. Every month your respec cost will be reduced by 5g (Down to 10g). Create a new character. Choose new talents and spells. Talents, Rotation, Statistics, Equipment and Trades are explained to you. The cost of 15 gold to respec my pet has been staying at 15 gold every single time I swap pet specs, not increasing each time. Yet allow Tanks and Healers to respec more. I want to say 40g. Garythalberger • 4 yr. 6m gold for the skill tree and 12. Ideally I do this only twice a week as I will. We might as well have a comparable amount of gold leaving the economy for what I think most people agree is a more enjoyable system. This will allow testers to level up in zones such as Stranglethorn Vale, Desolace, and Arathi Highlands (among others). 4 Development Notes. So, level 19-20 warrior, first time tanking in Classic, but got tonnes of experience on WOTLK+ Prot warrior. . Healing classes respec to dps and back all the time. Fury/prot is a decent tanking build. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Get instant notifications when the latest news is published via the Wowhead Discord Webhook! beta legion sidebar talents. 4. Expansion: WotLK Classic. No xp loss in dung. We knew skill refunds would have a cost early on and tested during the beta. $79. If you don't want to pay for them, don't. It begins with the original WoW Classic content, and with new content phases releasing on a two-month schedule. But you dont have to respec to tank leveling dungeons at all. 3. In WoW Classic and The Burning Crusade, reset talents points is very annoying. Max cost of relearning pet. 3, we wont have dual specs and people are going to have to respec once a week. So 1g, 5g, 10g,15g,20g, and so on. On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Holy Paladin Healer in WoW Classic. and PC games. I seem to remember it starting at 1s and then ramping up fairly quickly to 1g and then after that it got crazy capping at. Bigblackbull: You’re 1 spec for a certain boss, then you switch to a more optimal spec for another boss. Even if the person could easily afford it. 1k dual spec, 1k cold weather flying. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 70% weapon damage at the cost of health equal to 2%10% of the damage inflicted. AMA. Or why does the respec cost not reset weekly? That way everyone wins. Does appear to be really inconsistent based on the comments here. Simply REDUCE the respec cost cap; if you are against both dualspec OR a lower re-spec cap you are either: 1, trolling, or. They should make respec. Confirm your choice and pay the respec cost. Switching specs just means switching between the two pages. Also people respec for PvP and back to PvE for raiding. But PLEASE lower the max respec cost Whatever you are planning to do (SoM2, Fresh, Classic+) it doesn’t matter, for the love of G0D PLEASE lower the respec cost. I’m not saying i disagree. how often does that damn bleeder of a class trainer reduce the prices of re. I decided to level as a R Shaman to learn the class through out the way and I find it almost impossible and don’t really want to do dungeons I respected for 1 g and I am wondering does the respec cost go down each week o… Can the respec cost be removed or capped at 10 gold or something? I’m not entirely eager to pay 100 gold per week to swap between arcane power frost bolt spec and regular deep frost spec if I want to play with my semi-hardcore friends. OP making absolute statements while simultaneously not doing a modicum of research on respec costs in SOD. Being forced to pick one spec and stick with it 100% of the time just makes the game even more monotonous than it already is. shame it doesn't stay that way. Something like 1 or 5 or 10 or 15 gold, maybe. Generally, they are located in. Return to board index. I'm pretty geared, WW axe w fiery weapon, all of the blues from SM. JustPlainTed • 8 mo. I don't know the exact amount, but it is MUCH less than respec-ing your character. 113. My question is where does it start (1g, 5g?) and what is in the middle? How many times can you change spec before hitting the 100g cap?. ago. I make. I’m really annoyed by respec costs in this version of WoW, is really killing my will to get to 60, all the raid builds that are forced on you by gate keepers suck in my opinion, are not fun. Is noone worried about the 50g respec costs? I absolutely love classic wow, but one thing that has me worried is having to deal with the respec costs stacking up to 50gold and staying there. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Vanilla respec started at one gold. Every month your respec cost will be reduced by 5g (Down to 10g). 11. By respeccing so few and far between it would be pretty easy to not pick this up and just do the classic respec whenever it is needed which should be pretty cheap. However, if you want to make a change to one of your "locked" specs it will cost gold. Talent cost CAN NOT drop under 15g, it’s -5g per month. Just did my first Deadmines tanking. Even at low levels… The max respec cost is 50g. What was the gold cap in Actual Vanilla wow? I want to say it was 50g. So your 1st respec of the week would be 10g then 2nd:15g, 3rd:20g, etc up until 50g. You're complaining that they aren't good at one form of getting gold, and disregarding all the other ways you can make plenty of gold. every month tho? you respec twice a week if your guild do different day for mc and bwl at current rate the decay is only 5g a month. And it goes up every time you respec. 34. New. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Retail players already have a game. Dual spec sounds great in theory, but the implementation would take time and money for blizzard which aint gonna happen. Your first few levels are free, then refunds begin to cost gold at level 7. It's ok, he's wrong -. · 3 yr. Post Reply. Did the gold cost decay over time? Was there any variation or changes to respec costs over the span of Vanilla patches?--I have been playing with the vanilla spec calc almost everyday since the announcement of classic. Alternatively, you can pay 5, 10 or even 100 gold to reset your talents. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Started in late Vanilla, played through the end of WOTLK. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Changing talents is now more restricted. Many players, including me, cannot fully enjoy TBC Classic due to the exponentially increasing cost of respec. r/classicwow. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. If your respec cost hasn’t decayed, then you may want to submit a bug report. You are. I want to tank and arms pvp. This game has a serious problem. The respec cost was actually fairly cheap the first few times. Legion Respec Costs Removed; Talent Changing Restricted. ago. A lot of people recently have been talking about reducing the cost of respecting in WoW, and I personally think it’s a really bad idea. gg I see they cost gold to change/respec and it keeps getting higher each time! Was told in game there is no cap to this and some classes that have to spec in and out of things are hitting huge limits. WoW Classic The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion. I always see this argument brought up when dual spec is discussed. In WoW Classic, the most recommended. $79. Although the nostalgic feeling is great, I think there could be issues (especially since the Horde since they don’t have paladins). Respeccing to try different off-meta specs is one of the most fun parts of classic WoW since you have so much spec flexibility. The pet trainer only offers the ability to reset the pets beast training points, no offer to reset talents. The level 60 mount is prestige and non essential, its cost is fine. Already having the latest Lutris version installed, that’s what I’ve tried to do so far to try fixing it:Long story short, I have 5 talent points in 2h axes, but now i upgraded and have a 2h mace. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Holy Paladin talents. The second reason is how you interact with loot. Warlocks are true masters of the Shadow Magic and other. There will be a lot of focus on both new PVE and PVP content, but you’re also still in that leveling range, and with new phases swapping back to leveling specs. Respeccing to try different off-meta specs is one of the most fun parts of classic WoW since you have so much spec flexibility. AMA. Kill 15 Blackrock Champions and Guard Howe in Lakeshire will reward you. It implies that people respec just as often with a 50g cap as they do with a 25g cap or anything less than 50. In Classic, the cost of respeccing is ridiculously prohibitive. Warcraft. When I've been thinking about what class to pick for Classic I have taken the cost of respeccing into heavy consideration. New World has surprisingly strong WoW Classic vibe and that’s, for me personally, a good thing. 1st time. Various-Dot-9182. As little as less than $1 a month to enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, and support the site! Show 142 Comments. Open your spell book (P by default) Go to the General Tab. Every month your respec cost will be reduced by 5g (Down to 10g). Don’t forget to guard the. Fine, spend a little time in the world earning the gold, and hopefully meet a friend or two. those are the options. World of Warcraft. At level 50, the price to respec a single Paragon point is. With a main and an alt, thats 100 gold per week. In fact in those era, Blizzard didn’t let players the possibility to respec as they want, dissuading them by rising the cost of respec each. 387 comments. Yes, now it costs $2. Respec costs for SoD will be wild. In this short time before everyone bailed (two remaining ascension realms are pretty much bare-bones, population is pretty much gone), it can be estimated they managed to grab tens of thousands of dollars from somewhat naive players who kept re-purchasing same shit over and over as realms were opening/closing down. They were probably the most likely to do swaps. Yet allow Tanks and Healers to respec more. The product you are trying to view is currently unavailable for you. system (system). It crosses the line to where this wouldn’t be classic anymore. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. How to unlock dual spec in WoW WoTLK Classic. Map - The Carbonite map gives you all the information you need in one easy to use and flexible Google like map. Level 50 — 1 point in Anticipation. 50g respec price tag is brutal. level 1. By respeccing so few and far between it would be pretty easy to not pick this up and just do the classic respec whenever it is needed which should be pretty cheap. World of Warcraft Classic Cataclysm. Payed my 100g respec gold nearly every single week for 2 years w no issue whatsoever. Clicking the top-most ability in a column will unlearn all abilities in that column. Don't forget that every person here is a super-mega-hardcore raider that loves leveling from 1-60/70/80 and HATES cash shops and anything that isn't Blizzlike such as higher xp rates or dual-spec in tbc or a 5g respec cost. What was the gold cap in Actual Vanilla wow? I want to say it was 50g. But rage generation seems very slow, and the range of abilities. lcr68 • 8 mo. I don’t know what to do to convince you to make the right decision. Posted 2016/05/16 at 11:06 PM by perculia. This cost will be reduced by a rate of 5 gold per month to a minimum of 10 gold. At the same time, Warsong Gulch will close. First of all — changing your skills in Diablo 4 have an associated cost in gold. First of all — changing your skills in Diablo 4 have an associated cost in gold. Arkancia-pyrewood-village May 5, 2022,. It’s one of the reasons why gold is so valuable in classic/vanilla. The 40% respec cost reduction coming with Patch 1. Just mage healed the new BFD 10 man dungeon. In IGN's Diablo IV interview series, Blizzard gave us a first look at the current iteration of class skill trees in Diablo IV. And it goes up every time you respec. Burning Crusade Classic Discussion. 99/month for a single month, $41. allows tanks to respec to pvp allows people to respec to tank instances a…1. For the Patch 1. I have a problem with the current increasing cost to respec passives. every pull in a dungeon) to where talents could simply feel like extra UI navigation instead of a meaningful choice. Please cap respect cost to 2g. Level 53-60 Talents as Holy Priest For the final stretch, there aren't many options left. The cost of respecting per level will never double, even though you’ll have to spend gold each time you want to respec. 50g to swap to your raid spec, you then clear the available raids, then pay another 50 to jump back into your PVP spec. Posted 2016/05/16 at 11:06 PM by perculia. The respec cost is total BS. I wouldn't change the cost of mounts and such, level 40 mount is easy enough to have at level 40, especially if you plan ahead.